Neal Rantoul at Panopticon Gallery

November 10th, 2010

Neal Rantoul, Guard Rail #2, Yountville, CA, 1982 from American Series. Courtesy of Panopticon Gallery.

Neal Rantoul | Twenty-Five Years (1980-2005)
November 10 – January 4, 2011
Reception with the Artist: Wednesday, November 10, 2010, 5:30 – 7:30pm

Panopticon Gallery | 502c Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215 | 617-267-8929 | Hours: Tue–Sat 10-5:30pm

“In the ‘series’ work, Rantoul states, ‘I found a way to photograph that allows me to connect pictures to pictures, forming a narrative.’ For Rantoul, he uses the concept of ‘series’ to organize his work, putting his ideas and thoughts behind him so he can move on to something else. He elaborates, ‘I became interested in the ability to speak more completely about a place, a frame of mind, light, or the relationship between things.’ Panopticon Gallery is pleased to be able to exhibit a selection of his earlier works, including photographs from Wyoming, Pennsylvania, Utah and Washington State … accompanied by images from three distinct series from around Massachusetts.”

Also of interest is Neal Rantoul’s first monograph, American Series, published by Pond Press, with texts by Joe Deal and Jeffrey Hoone.

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