Nostalgia: Zev Schmitz

May 7th, 2010

Birth of a Cloud ©Zev Schmitz

Birth of a Cloud ©Zev Schmitz

Zev Schmitz was selected for the juried exhibition “Nostalgia” at the Vermont PhotoPlace Gallery. The selected photograph above, Birth of a Cloud, is from his series “Plume.” The cloud, in the context of this exhibition, came to symbolize for me the concept of nostalgia in abstract form – an ungraspable entity. “Plume” is an ongoing body of work that came out of the series “Still Limits.” About “Still Limits” Schmitz writes, “[t]he horizon is a symbol of perceptual failure – an unreachable and undefinable mark which dictates our understanding in both two dimensional and three dimensional space. Selections from “Still Limits” are shown below.

Tactile Horizon ©Zev Schmitz

Tactile Horizon ©Zev Schmitz

Horizon Finder ©Zev Schmitz

Horizon Finder ©Zev Schmitz

Extended Horizon ©Zev Schmitz

Extended Horizon ©Zev Schmitz

Imposed Horizon II ©Zev Schmitz

Imposed Horizon II ©Zev Schmitz

Zev Schmitz has his BFA in Photography from MICA. His website is

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