Nostalgia: Polly Gaillard

May 6th, 2010

Snow Day ©Polly Gaillard

Snow Day ©Polly Gaillard

Polly Gaillard was selected for the juried exhibition “Nostalgia” at the PhotoPlace Gallery in Vermont. Snow Day, as seen above, is from the series “Re-Collecting.” About the body of work, Gaillard writes “[t]o investigate family, I went back to my childhood home where my parents still live and posed myself in places where some of our most memorable family photographs were taken. I then used Photoshop to revisit the past by altering the original family photograph and placing myself within the scene as a disruption to the original photograph. This adult intruder becomes an interruption to the memory of the snapshot and to the familial gaze that takes place within the scene. The photographs are printed small to reference the size of the family snapshots held within the family album… I was intrigued by this investigation into my past and also the disruption of the very specific memory. ‘Re-Collecting’ references time and memory and how family photographs are real but they also illustrate personal fictions to the people within the frame.”

Sunday Morning ©Polly Gaillard

©Polly Gaillard

©Polly Gaillard

©Polly Gaillard

©Polly Gaillard

©Polly Gaillard

©Polly Gaillard

©Polly Gaillard

Polly Gaillard has an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Her website is

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