Nostalgia: Gretchen Arnold

April 29th, 2010

©Gretchen Arnold

©Gretchen Arnold

Gretchen Arnold was selected for the juried exhibition “Nostalgia” at the Vermont PhotoPlace Gallery. The selected photograph above is from the series “re:collection.” It is an ongoing body of work initially begun during graduate school at RIT and is an investigation of memory and the family photograph.

©Gretchen Arnold

©Gretchen Arnold

©Gretchen Arnold

©Gretchen Arnold

©Gretchen Arnold

©Gretchen Arnold

©Gretchen Arnold

©Gretchen Arnold

About this series Gretchen writes “[t]he task of establishing a narrative in my own box of photographs was daunting;there was no writing on the back of the photos whatsoever – only an occasional date stamp. Upon interrogation I found that the memories of others were as unreliable as my own… I found myself recognizing the details in the setting of the photograph rather than the ostensible event or occasion that was occurring… Do I remember the actual event or moment of a photograph from the past or does the photograph stand in for the memory?… My interest focuses on the reconstruction of imagery from the appropriated family photograph and representing it in a new, yet familiar, installation experience (see installation shot below) for the viewer. The images are made to speak to the idea of memory and or loss of memory in regard to family photographs.”

installation of "re:collection" ©Gretchen Arnold

installation of "re:collection" ©Gretchen Arnold

Gretchen Arnold has an MFA from the Rochester Institute of Technology. Her website is

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