Fraction Magazine, collect.give, and 20×200

December 8th, 2010

Three amazing places to find photography prints this month are David Bram‘s Fraction Magazine Holiday Print Sale, Kevin Miyazaki‘s collect.give and Jen Bekman‘s 20×200. Check them out. Such great work to choose from. There are too many amazing photographers to list!

Third Annual Fraction Magazine Holiday Print Sale
100% of the sale goes to the photographer.

Beach House, Fire Island, 2009 ©Dalton Rooney

The photographers featured on collect.give have pledged to donate 100% of the profits from their print sales to worthwhile causes they support.

Hanging Snowflake ©Melissa Kaseman

Affordable art prints.

Nethermead ©Joseph O. Holmes

It’s always in season to support photographers, the photo community, and charities. Collect.give and 20×200 come out with new images all year round and you can always contact photographers directly to purchase work. Have fun shopping.

Interview: Emily Shur

April 2nd, 2010

Morning in Shibuya ©Emily Shur

Morning in Shibuya, Tokyo ©Emily Shur

Issue 13 of Fraction Magazine included my interview with Los Angeles-based photographer Emily Shur. The issue, edited by David Bram, features photographs by Jessica Todd Harper, Emily Shur, Tom Leininger, Dalton Rooney, William Greiner, and an exhibition review of “Unmarked” by Mary Goodwin.

Here is an excerpt:

LL: I am drawn to what you choose to include in the photographic frame. For example, “Morning in Shibuya” – in what seems to be a chaotic urban landscape you have created a certain spatial order that I pick up on in all your photographs. Can you talk about this in your work and your thoughts about composition for this photograph?
ES: Composition is very, very important to me. In this photograph, “Morning in Shibuya”, I would say it’s calculated luck that I caught everything where it is. When taking a photo like this one, I usually try to move my eye around the frame and shoot when I think would be a good moment, but it doesn’t always work out. I rarely take more than two or three pictures at a time…meaning, I don’t shoot a whole roll trying to get a certain shot. I shoot what looks good at the time, and I’ll go as far as to wait until a street gets more or less cluttered, for someone to walk into frame, for someone to get out of the way, etc. If the picture doesn’t look how I envisioned it once I get my film back, then that’s unfortunate, but just how things go sometimes. I am also not afraid to crop images or remove small items from the photo that are corrupting an otherwise very nice composition.

LL: That spatial order, composition, and attention to detail seems to be inherent in Japanese culture especially in traditional Japanese landscape gardens. Do you find calm in this meticulousness both photographically and in your own life?
ES: Yes. I have been toying around with the idea of a project or edit revolving around traditional landscape gardens. Every time I go to Japan, I always visit multiple gardens. There is something very comforting to me about Japanese culture, and the landscape gardens are a perfect encapsulation of so many aspects of Japanese life. The respect and attention paid to the vegetation is wonderful. Even insects and spiders are respected enough to be left alone. I love going to a garden and watching the workers tend to the trees and plants. It’s a bit of a fantasy world where everything is important and in it’s place. It’s quiet and peaceful, and there are always older Japanese men with very serious cameras taking photographs. I love that they are out on a weekday morning or afternoon with their cameras; quietly, patiently taking photographs. I’ve even seen some 4×5 view cameras out there, and I always smile and give a thumbs up. To me, this seems like such a lovely way to spend a day…in a beautiful place, with nowhere to be…just looking and seeing and appreciating.

Read the entire interview in Fraction Magazine.

Two Trees ©Emily Shur

Two Trees, Ise-Shima ©Emily Shur

David Bram and Fraction Magazine

March 10th, 2010

David Bram

Love this image – “Black Church, Budir” from David Bram’s Iceland series. Just received it in the mail from wall space gallery in support of Doctors Without Borders and their relief effort in Haiti.

David Bram is a photographer and editor of Fraction Magazine. Check out Issue 12, the latest revamped online issue. “Achromatic” features black-and-white work from five female photographers – Susan Hayre Thelwell, Noelle Swan Gilbert, Isa Leshko, Celine Wu, and Francesca Yorke.

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