Fraction Magazine, collect.give, and 20×200

December 8th, 2010

Three amazing places to find photography prints this month are David Bram‘s Fraction Magazine Holiday Print Sale, Kevin Miyazaki‘s collect.give and Jen Bekman‘s 20×200. Check them out. Such great work to choose from. There are too many amazing photographers to list!

Third Annual Fraction Magazine Holiday Print Sale
100% of the sale goes to the photographer.

Beach House, Fire Island, 2009 ©Dalton Rooney

The photographers featured on collect.give have pledged to donate 100% of the profits from their print sales to worthwhile causes they support.

Hanging Snowflake ©Melissa Kaseman

Affordable art prints.

Nethermead ©Joseph O. Holmes

It’s always in season to support photographers, the photo community, and charities. Collect.give and 20×200 come out with new images all year round and you can always contact photographers directly to purchase work. Have fun shopping.

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